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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

It Gets Better

Today I finally had the opportunity to spend time with Gabbie, the onsite recruiter/HR guru!  :)  She is a fantastic lady, and I can already tell that we are going to get along together perfectly.  I hesitate to write this next part, because she may be reading this, but Gabbie and I seem to have a lot in common personality wise.  We spent a good hour or so together just getting to know one another, and when it was all said and done it felt like we had known one another for years!

I think the next day or so will be establish my work cadence for the next six months.   What I mean is, I should be getting into the groove soon enough.  Most of the busy work is out of the way now and I can get down to sourcing/recruiting.  

Much was learned today.  I learned that people (all of us) are basically the same bundle of issues, problems, concerns, and worries but packaged differently.  Before anyone reading this hits the roof and wonders what I am talking about, let me explain.  What I mean is we all have our insecurities and the same basic needs when we get down to the nuts and bolts of things.  The problem is that we operate as if we are the only ones in the world sometimes. I am probably one of the biggest offenders.  More to come on this down the road.

My run tonight managed to open up another realm of deep thoughts!  I tend to do most of my deep thinking while running.  Anyway, there is more to come on those thoughts down the road.  Lets just say that I think this trip will be impacting me in much greater ways than I thought.

In closing, I will say this... I miss my CST Team a lot, and naturally I miss my blond, but its becoming abundantly clear how much this opportunity will provide me in terms of both personal and professional growth.  If ever I was blessed with the perfect job, it was when Electronic Arts hired me as a member of their team.  This company is incredible in so many ways.  

I leave you with pics of Firemonkeys:

1 comment:

  1. Matt Matt Matt... Loving the blog and stoked to see I feature! looking forward to the read
