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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Time to Grow Up

Today is Thursday in OZ and the workweek is officially completed.  Thats right, tomorrow is a holiday here in OZ and Monday is as well, which means that I have a LONG weekend ahead of me!  Naturally I scheduled some calls for tomorrow because it just doesn't seem right to take the entire day off with so much work to get done.  I figure that I can do a bunch of sourcing in hopes of getting ahead of the game.  There is LOTS to do and it is just starting to dawn on me how little time there is to accomplish it all.  Believe it or not, I have a plan!  Yes, I HAVE A PLAN!  An outline to be exact.  It outlines what needs to be accomplished and the perceived steps necessary to achieve everything.  Exciting!

The first week of work was smashing!  Yes, I said smashing. :)  Look (another Aussie saying), I am not going to go over everything that I already wrote in the days prior, but it is safe to say that I love Melbourne and of course I love my job with Electronic Arts/Firemonkeys.  Enough said about that...

My realization of the week?  Well its nothing mind-blowing or anything, but there was a revelation of some sort anyway.  I guess it finally dawned on me that I am really, and I mean really, getting old.  Not what I wanted to realize naturally, but necessary in its own way.  You really got to get, I have spent a lot of years denying the inevitable.  It didn't really hit me until I was on a call this morning discussing the upcoming months.  I remember thinking, "It's time to get on with it and grow up!"

So for those of you still reading this blog, thanks for reading through all of my ramblings over this past week.  Look (I love saying that!), I know that I have been all over the place since I started writing this, but crap!  There has been a LOT going on and plenty to ponder.  I promise you this... There is lots of good stuff to come.  I can feel it!

Here are a few more pics to enjoy.  Talk to you soon!


  1. I really enjoy reading your blog and following your experiences in OZ. Keep up the great work Matt!

    1. thanks Sheffie! It's fun writing actually :)
